Friday, June 8, 2012

Testing and Results

The testing of our VEX Robot took place on exhibit night. Exhibit night was May 17th and it was a night where every senior had time to show off their projects. Every group/person had their own poster explaining, and emphasizing the importance of their project. Some groups even had a final project. Most of the teams that had something physically with them were teams from the Systems Engineering II course, either Green/Cuttrell or Alfonse/McDonald. One thing I noticed was that the VEX robotics aquatic performances were a big hit. There was constantly a big crowd around them whether they were performing in the tank or just sitting their. The two aquatic VEX kits were very different. Ours, had four individual parts to complete each challenge and moved at a slow pace.. The other group had one claw that could do all the challenges and moved at a more swift pace. The testing of our project came down to the performance in the tank. It was scored based on Rob Sharkey’s scoring sheet (see below). To get the best score you must complete every challenge successfully on the first try and do it in the smallest amount of time. Our first run wasn’t so well. We were getting used to the movement of our VEX robot so we did not complete all the challenges the first time around. The second time around we were able to complete every challenge with ease and confidence. Our time was still a little slower than what it should be but we were happy. The third time we attempted the course we aced it. We completed every challenge successfully on the first try and in about four minutes 35 seconds. Another great showing of our VEX team was the tank. The tank was constructed mainly by Rob Sharkey with some assistance from Nick and myself. The tank had a very nice appearance and was great size for the competition. It also was very organized and any viewer could understand the path that the VEX Robot will take.


VEX Robotics Aquatic Challenges
Point Value Assessment Sheet

Challenge 1: Ball Through Hoop
-Ball goes through the hoop        = 5 Points

-Ball hits the hoop                       = 3 Points

-Ball is deployed                          = 1 Point

-Ball is not deployed                    = 0 Points

Challenge 2: Boat Tow
-Vessel is towed and dropped off
Successfully At Target Location = 5 Points 

-Vessel is towed but not dropped
Off at target location                   = 3 Points

-Vessel not towed                        = 0 Points  

Challenge 3: Buoy Drop                         
-Buoy dropped in target area       = 5 Points

-Buoy dropped within 3”
Of target area                               = 3 Points

-Buoy dropped                             = 1 Points

-Buoy not dropped                       = 0 Points

Challenge 4: Boat Sink
-Target vessel is sunk                   = 5 Points

-Target vessel is damaged but      = 3 Points
Not sunk

-Target vessel is unharmed           = 0 Points

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


- The servo/motor is a very simple piece of VEX equipment. It will be attached using two 1/4" bolts and two 1/4" screws directly to points A and B (see drawing below). The drive shaft will then be attached to point C (see drawing below) which will allow it to move or rotate a certain piece of equipment. The wiring of the servo/motor will be easily workable. The person in use of the servo/motor needs to simply connect the wire clip to the Microcontroller which will supply the servo with power.

Isometric View

Exploded View

Right Side View

Top View

Front View

- Each servo/motor is mounted to a metal plate using two 1/4" bolts and two 1/4" screws.
- Make sure they are mounted very tightly to ensure the success of their capabilities.
- Always mount a servo/motor using both screw holes to establish a firm base.
- Do not attach a servo to a motor.
- Any open wiring should be covered with electrical tape and a professor should be informed.
- Any cracks or malfunctions should be reported to the professor. Stop all work with the servo/motor if this occurs.